Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Autumn afternoon at the rugby
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Stuck on the side of the motorway earlier wondering why Ford equip cars with tyre irons made of plasticine.
Friday, October 05, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Sunday, September 09, 2012
The Mersey looking decidedly Turner-esque from the Tate
Just found this on my phone. Hibbert scored and we rioted
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Greek style columns unearthed on Camp Hill, Woolton, Liverpool?
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Season tickets have arrived, season tickets have arrived, season tickets have arrived...
Still, today....whilst the hardcore blues are in Dundee and most of my season ticket friends are in France doing voluntary work in Lourdes with Liverpool Hospitalite I am sitting back in Hunts Cross with a smile on my face.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Monday, July 02, 2012
Time to take down our German Euro 2012 wallchart
Great tournament overall and you have to say the best team won, the pity is that perhaps it didn't get the final it deserved because A: Italy going down to 10 men and B: The 2nd best team in the tournament, Germany, failing to turn up for the semi-final.
For England, given the awful preparation, getting out of the group as leaders represents a success but to fall to a penalty shoot-out yet again grates on your nerves.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Went for a wonder round the re-opened Garden Festival park.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Koblenz (with the Rhine and Moselle)
Saturday, June 02, 2012
Friday, June 01, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Looking through old maps and plotting the history of Hunts Cross, Garston & Woolton
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
If a map OS map says it's a rough track then get ready to scramble
Saturday, April 28, 2012
My Father and other working class heroes
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Having a quick one in The Champion of Oxford St
Yesterday was dead loss in terms of sport but logistically a compkete success...Lime St was hugely busy but really well organised, got interviewed by Sky Sports then shuffled onto the 7:53 train to Euston, zipped along the Metropolitan Line and nipped into a cafe for a cheeky pizza and beer. Met up with some of the folk we go the game with and headed Wembley. Less said about the rest of the afternoon the better. Suffice to say it's long way to go to not turn up
Friday, April 13, 2012
Everton Pubs for the Wembley Semi-Final
Dagmar Avenue
324 Harrow Road
JJ Moons
397 High Road
Thirsty Eddie's
412 High Road
Innisfree Freehouse
30 - 32 Harrow Road
Thursday, April 12, 2012
FA Cup Semi-final tickets. Check!
Lime St is going to be a bit messy at 7am but hopefully it will all sort itself out.
Monday, April 09, 2012
We're on the march with Moysey's army
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Hibbert Scores, we riot!
London, you have been warned.
Wembley Seating Plan for the West Stand
This might be useful for blues trying to work out where their FA Cup Semi Final seats are in the Everton end (West Stand) :
The blocks correspond with the areas either side of the aisles as far as I can tell
Tell me Ma, me Ma...I don't want no tea, no tea.
This is exactly the same title I posted with in 2009. Hope this semi-final lives up to the last one because that was basically a perfect day. Spent a lot of time this morning looking at this :
However the system is spot on, once in you just pick your seats...allocate them to your friends and family (In this case Anne and my mates Mary & Paul) and you are done. I then had to wait a further 25 minutes because I promised another friend I’d complete his (and his 5 mates) ticket order too.
Done now though.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
FA Cup Semi Final Kick-Off Times
Sea Odyssey Giant Spectacular in Liverpool
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
What's that coming over the hill? Is it the Scousers? Is it the Scousers?

Hugely proud of the team and the 6000 people who made their way up to back the lads.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Cruddas asks foreign businessmen for 250k for access to Cameron
Think back to all those snidey jibes about Labour being in the pocket of the unions....well there you have it, the Conservatives are in the pocket of whichever shady businessman has the cash to buy favour.
Let's be clear union donations to the Labour party are from ordinary workers who each opt-in to paying a small donation. Never let the Tories forget this, it's there in black and white on the pages of the Sunday Times. Corruption and cash for access.
Friday, March 23, 2012
The football season enters the home stretch
Cheap shots were thrown back the other way by Rio Ferdinand by saying that you see loads more City shirts around Manchester since they've had their new owners. City fans will be particularly sensitive to that as they've always seen themdelves as the hometown club with United as the fashionable glory-hunters accesory (much the way Evertonians try to paint liverpool).
For Everton our season hinges on that cup replay against suspect our chance has gone now after the annoyance of the original tie (two penalties waved away, hitting the woodwork, wonder saves from their keeper and a ref buying everything Sunderland did). If we do get through a tie against liverpool on the Hillsboro anniversary will be the superb event for the city.
Pray for Muamba
Prayer is natural for footballers
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
At Goodison Park to see an old friend, follow follow follow
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Funny letter from the taxman. Inland Revenue gets sarcastic
Dear Mr Xxxxxxx,
I am writing to you to express our thanks for your more than prompt reply to our latest communication, and also to answer some of the points you raise. I will address them, as ever, in order.
Firstly, I must take issue with your description of our last as a "begging letter." It might perhaps more properly be referred to as a "tax demand." This is how we at the Inland Revenue have always, for reasons of accuracy, traditionally referred to such documents.
Secondly, your frustration at our adding to the "endless stream of crapulent whining and panhandling vomited daily through the letterbox on to the doormat" has been noted. However, whilst I have naturally not seen the other letters to which you refer, I would cautiously suggest that their being from "pauper councils, Lombardy pirate banking houses and pissant gas-mongerers" might indicate that your decision to "file them next to the toilet in case of emergencies" is at best a little ill-advised. In common with my own organisation, it is unlikely that the senders of these letters do see you as a "lackwit bumpkin" or, come to that, a "sodding charity." More likely they see you as a citizen of Great Britain, with a responsibility to contribute to the upkeep of the nation as a whole.
Which brings me to my next point. Whilst there may be some spirit of truth in your assertion that the taxes you pay "go to shore up the canker-blighted, toppling folly that is the Public Services," a moment's rudimentary calculation ought to disabuse you of the notion that the government in any way expects you to "stump up for the whole damned party" yourself. The estimates you provide for the Chancellor's disbursement of the funds levied by taxation, whilst colourful, are, in fairness, a little off the mark. Less than you seem to imagine is spent on "junkets for Bunterish lickspittles" and "dancing whores" whilst far more than you have accounted for is allocated to, for example, "that box-ticking facade of a university system."
A couple of technical points arising from direct queries:
1. The reason we don't simply write "Muggins" on the envelope has to do with the vagaries of the postal system;
2. You can rest assured that "sucking the very marrow of those with nothing else to give" has never been considered as a practice because even if the Personal Allowance didn't render it irrelevant, the sheer medical logistics involved would make it financially unviable.
I trust this has helped. In the meantime, whilst I would not in any way wish to influence your decision one way or the other, I ought to point out that even if you did choose to "give the whole foul jamboree up and go and live in India," you would still owe us the money.
Please send it to us by Friday.
Yours sincerely,
X X Xxx
Customer Relations
Inland Revenue
Thoroughly depressing derby
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Jupiter and Venus very close
Rebekah Brooks arrested along with her husband Charlie
The BBC have put together this useful chart of all the players in this sordid mess.
Media Corruption map
Nice to see David Cameron linked so prominently in there, thick as theives with Brooks and Coulson...terrible, terrible judgement or an arrogance that he can appoint/associate with whoever he like (Emma Harrison anyone?)
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Football schadenfraude: "Jelly and ice cream when Rangers die"
"We're having a party when Rangers die"
onto "Jelly and ice cream when Rangers die" and "pass the parcel when Rangers die" and then "Doing the conga when Rangers die" (presume "Musical statues when Rangers die" is there somewhere) then we have the slightly crazy "Doing the Huddle when Rangers die" and the truly bonkers "Passing wee Andy when Rangers die" and "Lateral movement when Rangers die".
We're doing the huddle when Rangers die
Lateral Movement when Rangers die
Pass the Parcel when Rangers die
We're doing the Conga when Rangers die
The Huns are going bust
Friday, March 09, 2012
Lansley refuses to publish the NHS reform Risk Register report.
If he continues to blithely ignore the warnings of virtually every single person involved inthe National Health Service whilst trying to bury reports on his reform bill surely his position is untennable and his bill a write-off. It's actually getting pitiful now.
NHS risk register: Ministers lose Freedom of Information appeal
Ministers have been ordered to publish a risk assessment of the NHS shake-up under Freedom of Information laws.
The Department of Health had appealed against an FOI ruling that the transition risk register, requested by Labour MP John Healey, be published.
But it lost, despite civil servants' warnings that to publish confidential advice could have a "chilling effect".
Mr Healey said the ruling gave "strong legal support to a full and open debate" about NHS plans for England.
"The judgement backs the public's right to know about the risks the government is taking with its NHS plans," he said - accusing the government of having "dragged out" the process for 15 months.
Well done to Andy Burnham and John Healey for fighting tooth and nail on our behalf. Further shame on Quisling Clegg for his pathetic crocodile tears and can't public voice concerns about a bill you've voted through parliament at every opportunity.
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Yet another Liverpool sunset pic
Get home and rushed upstairs and caught this just as it faded....even as I type this it's gone
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Andrew Lansley runs away from a protester
Lansley runs away from a protester
What on earth is this rotten bill still doing in parliament, it should be killed off right away. The entire country wants it scrapped. What's particularly galling is the likes of Clegg writing letters about how he doesn't like it....after voting for it at every opportunity.
Sunday, March 04, 2012
Liverpool bids farewell to HMS Liverpool
Saturday, March 03, 2012
Good win for Waterloo at the rugby today
We are Evertonians...
We are Evertonians, we go the game, that's what we do
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The BBC World Service is 80 today
It was sitting on top of a roof in Jodphur in India that we heard Wayne Rooney's first goal for Everton against Arsenal. Happy memories of being huddled round that little shortwave radio waiting for the news or the football coverage to start each week.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Angela Merkel gets beer poured on here but takes it in her stride
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Richard Dawkins gets hoisted by his own petard
Poor Christopher Hitchens must be spinning in his grave.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Rangers go into administration
It shows how ridiculous the whole business of football is and how an implosion could be just round the corner.
It also shows how totally uncompetitive the SPL is given that even with the 10 point penalty Rangers are still 9 points clear of 3rd place.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Should I go for mayor of Liverpool
All in all I think the idea of a mayor of Liverpool is a pretty pointless endeavour. Add in a devolution of power plus 130 million pound extra for the city and it's pretty much a no brainer.
I wish whoever does decide to run for mayor luck, it'll be a pretty much thankless task in a country who's population seems to have collectively adopted an "iconoclast uber alles" personality.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Where for art thou Everton
It really is weird...we've been a joy to watch in these big, big wins recently...everything you love about Moyes' Everton.
And finally, finally
It finally come to a head on Saturday when a player who'd previously been racially abused by Suarez tried to put in all behind them by offering a handshake and still Suarez tried to play the wounded, wronged party and refused.
Dalglish rallied to defend Suarez yet again and even up until Sunday the likes of Aldridge were still trying to refuse to acknowledge any blame on the part of the liverpool player. Only when negative press began to surface in the New York Times did Fenway Group step and and force apologies.
At last.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Stevie P, oh Stevie P. Oh Stevie P Oh Stevie P
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
Campaigning in South Liverpool
Tom Watson on the NHS and the Drop the Bill campaign
Ed Miliband calls really early. Too early. These days I have to set my alarm for 6am in order to be fully awake before he starts chasing me.
Before Ed's calls, I listen to the depressing daily news on the Today programme. Unemployment sky rocketing, the economy flat-lining, more arrests at News International. By the time Ed rings I'm usually ready to explode.
The final straw came at 6.54am last Friday morning.
Interviewed on Today, Clare Gerada, the Chair of the Royal College of GPs, was asked about Lansley's Health Bill. I don't know Clare Gerada, but she was authoritative, calm, thorough, and therefore devastating in her analysis.
As the first coffee of the day was brewing, Clare patiently said the following words:
"I think the essence is this Bill is a burden. It makes no sense. It’s incoherent to anybody other than the lawyers. It won’t deal with the big issues that we have to deal with such as the aging population and dementia. It will result in a very expensive health service and it will also result in a health service that certainly will never match the health service that we have at the moment or at least had 12 months ago."
I couldn't stomach any more of this miserable truth about Cameron, Osborne and Lansley's Britain. I'm sick of starting every day like this. I re-tuned to Smooth Radio.
But re-tuning the radio isn't enough. What makes us Labour is that we don't just look away. We've got to stop them. We've got to stop this Bill. It really will wreck the NHS in a way that hasn't been fully understood. It's a fight that patients can't afford for us to lose.
Cameron is determined to force these measures through. To defeat him, we have to build a coalition against the Bill that has never been seen before.
Sign the Drop the Bill petition here
Sunday, February 05, 2012
The 6 Nations catches fire
Saturday, February 04, 2012
The 6 Nations is back
Wednesday, February 01, 2012
A Grand old Team
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
On the way to Goodison
Monday, January 30, 2012
Tory attitudes to contracts
Friday, January 27, 2012
Plant an Oak in the Diamond Jubilee Woods
The Woodland Trust said next month marked the 60th anniversary of the Queen's accession to the throne.
Free tree-planting packs would be available for groups wanting to take part in the project, it added.
The centrepiece of the Trust's plans will be a Diamond Park - a 460-acre site containing 500,000 trees.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Flashman Cameron calls Dennis Skinner a dinosaur
Monday, January 16, 2012
Nice bottle of Sheppy's Tremlett's Bitter cider for after dinner
Monday, January 09, 2012
Marc Clattenberg to ref an Everton game
That derby was by far the worst display of officiating I've ever seen. Too bad to be laughed off, you looked at the decisions he was making and could only conclude he was biased or corrupt. It was simply not possible to come to the conclusions impartially. The FA obviously agree because it's been half a decde before they've let him loose on an Everton game.
If you see Match of the Day and wonder why Evertonians are giving him hell just look back through the highlights and realise just how justified it is.
Thursday, January 05, 2012
Huge slab of Deli Fonseca game pie to eat tomorrow
Why no Everton blog posts
Last night was a case in point, awful, awful game in awful, awful conditions...Everton just look so listless and disparate. They depserately need someone to provide that spark of inspiration. It was nice to see Tim Howard score only the 4th premier league goal by a goalkeeper...adding that to Scheichals for Villa at Goodison a while back than it means I've seen 50% of them.
Walking back enphasised how awful the conditions were, we could barely walk and then the trains were all over the place due to fallen trees etc so by the time we got in it was well past midnight.
I could ramble and rant about the problems in the Everton side but ultimately it's just too depressing at the moment.