We won the game 1-0 but after Bucharest had whethered the first half storm (when, to be fair, we could have been 3-0 up) they were never in danger. Two minutes from the end as the game trickled towards it's conclusion one of their players tried to cripple Mikel Arteta leaving him unconcious & convulsing on the floor. It was quite upsetting, the other players were waving frantically to the bench and the player lay there writhing. The Gwladys sang his name as he was stretchered off (I always remember Tommy Gravesen waving to us as he was stretchered off the pitch in a neck brace).

A sad way to end our abortive European adventure. I am not too gutted though. The players played well, Cahill looked more energetic, Valente and Ferrari look like they can do well for us and besides which the UEFA cup is shite. If UEFA aren't going to bother with it (no sponsors, no money, no hype, no coverage) then why should we.