Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Oh look, Cameron lying about NHS staff supporting his reforms

So that arrogant wretch has been blithely lying about support for the Tories ridiculous NHS reforms...Well done to the NHS organisations for standing up and calling him to account on his arrogant duplicitousness.

The BMA have been screaming from the rooftops about Lansley's bill for months but still Cameron claims to have support for the bill amongst NHS staff...well now the Royal Collage of Nursing and the Royal College of GPs have stated categorically that they aren't. 

David Cameron told MPs that doctors and nurses were now "supporting" government plans to overhaul the NHS in England.

Following the remarks during prime minister's questions, the Royal College of Nursing issued a statement saying it still had "very serious concerns".

The Royal College of GPs said it was "extremely worried" about some aspects.

(Report on the BBC)

Never Trust a Tory

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